The members of the Association of shooters and percussionists preserve the old village custom, when they brighten up the holidays by firing guns and knocking bells, announcing happy and also less happy events.
In the History of the Kamna Gorica parish, we find the first records of firing with guns and knocking bells as early as 1751, and it took place from then until the 20th century. In the 60s of the 20th century, shooting stopped until Easter morning, March 31, 1991, when, after years of silence, the guners again appeared on the scenic Zjavka.
MOŽNARJI are iron tubular devices in the form of a six- to eight-sided prism, 10 to 100 cm high and weighing from 2 to 100 kg. They are open at the top, on the lower part of the gun there is an opening on the side for igniting the gunpowder. In the past, 24 guns of various sizes were forged in the lower forge. They were the property of the landowners and were kept at home.
When firing, the bottom of the gun is filled with gun powder, which is covered with paper. The gun is then filled to the top with sawdust, moist fine sand, loam or soil. Then two gunners drive the copper plug and the mixture into the mortar with large hammers. The mortar thus prepared waits in place for firing. When the leader of the mortarmen gives the signal, the mortarman ignites the gunpowder with the help of a bleached iron tip on a long stick.
According to the old tradition, we fire mortars on Zjavka on Easter morning, May 1, for the village feast, that is, on the feast of St. Trojice, on important village events, on the anniversary and on the death of the mortarman. Since 2019, mortar shooting in Kamna Gorica has been entered in the Register of Intangible Heritage of Slovenia.
PRITRKOVALCI praznike pozdravijo na drugem bregu Kamne Gorice, v zvoniku sv. Trojice in prav tako ohranjajo vaško izročilo. Z možnaristi delujejo usklajeno, saj signalist v zvoniku da znak za streljanje z belo zastavo. Seznam kamnogoriških pritrkovalcev ali nabijačev se začne s Šimnovim Matevžem, ki je bil rojen 1856. Nekdaj je fara imela 3 bronaste, lepo okrašene zvonove, ki so jih nadomestili z železnimi.
MELODIJE pritrkavanja so se prenašale iz roda v rod. Tipične kamnogoriške melodije so Podroblena, Bingala, Jakova in Dangor.
Pri letečih melodijah veliki zvon udarja enakomerno, potem se priključita manjša zvonova. Srednji in mali zvon oblikujeta melodijo.
Pri stoječih melodijah so zvonovi v mirovanju, melodije se ustvarjajo s kemblji. Vsaka stoječa melodija ima svoj zaključek.
Leta 2010 smo s pomočjo donacij kupili male zvončke, da bi ohranjali in pridobivali spretnosti pritrkovanja. Z njimi nastopajo pritrkovalci na domačih prireditvah in gostujejo širom domovine in v zamejstvu.